The Revolving Chair


Not long ago, I welcomed Marq to our service department. After 11 months, Marq opted to saddle up and ride into the sunset, accepting a different challenge in his life. Since then, two people have “revolved” through the dispatcher position (the second not even staying long enough to warm up my chair). After a self-sniff test (are they leaving because I need a bath?) and an exhaustive and unsuccessful search for candidate number three, Susanna (spouse of Jim and one of the owners of Day Heating) decided to take on the challenge and re-organize the department. Previously, Susanna had been involved primarily in marketing. There’s a skill set connection there somewhere.

Now, I have to say I’m ecstatic that we have someone in the position that is handling the challenge, making positive changes, and keeping the chair warm. However, she keeps her door closed all the time – I’m trying not to take it personal – I’m just waiting outside and plotting my revenge.

About the same time that the revolving chair stopped spinning, Megan (Jim & Susanna’s daughter) joined the Salem office staff. I was initially very happy to see her (she knows how to scratch a cat!) – until she brought her little black-haired sidekick Rispin to work. He’s her service dog and he helps her in a variety of ways (like I didn’t help!). I’ve been waiting for everyone to turn their back so I can strike with my cat-like reflexes (okay, at 19 lbs I move more like a sloth). Someday…

Paw print.

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